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5110 Days of genuine trouble-free motoring on veg oil from 18th June 2008 to 16th June 2022 - read more

Veg Oil Car Insurance

Do you need to notify your insurance company if you modify your vehicle to run on vegetable oil? Yes, of course you do. Basically any modification can effect your insurance policy so for your own peace of mind get it sorted.

There's nothing to fear from modifying your car to run on vegetable oil. If anything vegetable oil is safer than diesel. It's less volatile, less explosive, less flammable, etc, so this simple modification is hardly going to put off any sensible insurance company. However, with that said, not all car insurance companies will insure you to drive a veg oil car.

Car Insurance Companies That WILL Insure Veg Oil Cars

Now I can't claim to have an extensive knowledge of insurance companies that will insure your veg oil vehicle, but I can give you the names of at least some, and thankfully these are good reputable companies - just in case you thought otherwise. These companies have either insured me in the past or their details have been passed on to me by others in a similar position. So here goes:

  • Churchill
  • More Than
  • Norwich Union
  • Co-Op
  • NFU Mutual the National Farmers Union insurance company
  • Adrian Flux
  • Zenith

Okay this might not be the most extensive list in the world, but don't be put off by that. You've probably heard of most of the above, if not all, so that proves you can - and should - get your veg oil vehicle properly insured. Now when I say properly insured (for the paranoid out there) I don't mean there's any special kind of veg oil policy, I simply mean that you have fully disclosed the vehicle modifications - which means your are fully insured! That's it - nothing sinister.

Add To This List - Let Me Know

If you've had your veg oil vehicle insured by a company that's not listed above - perhaps you ARE a company that will happily cover veg oil cars - then please contact me and let me know. I can add this information to the list above and make life a little easier for fellow veggie motorists.

Don't Be Put Off

One last word of caution - don't be put off. I have phoned around for quotes in the past and spoken to some ignorant companies who haven't heard of veg oil vehicles (funnily enough, 99% of those you speak to haven't), but some have been downright rude about it. I've had some tell me that it's illegal. This is nonsense. As I've said, I have fully comprehensive motor insurance on my vehicle and I have fully disclosed that fact that it's been modified. Don't be put off by ignorant idiots.

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